Monkey Poison Partying Without Alcohol Okay, so great health but a boring life then, right? Well – get ready to be surprised. I certainly was.
Monkey Poison Your Sixpack Without Alcohol When I realized I had quit alcohol by mistake, there was a point when I did consider picking up alcohol again. But there was one small detail that made me hesitate: I felt fucking phenomenal.
Monkey Poison Wine Without Alcohol I used to love wine. This was actually one of my main concerns about quitting alcohol. I have some friends with, let’s say… generous wine budgets, where some bottles are best described as cultural masterpieces, but do I miss it?
Monkey Poison Ecstasy Without Alcohol (or Ecstasy) For those of you who may or may not have tried the drug MDMA or Ecstasy, you know what it may or may not feel like to have your system flooded with serotonin. Yes, it is drug-induced flooding, but the effects you feel are your own serotonin reserves being released.
Monkey Poison Doing Other Drugs Without Alcohol? Alcohol, while scoring "only" 4th most harmful to the user, surpassed only by heroin, crack, and meth, is the top offender when harm to society is factored in.
Monkey Poison Dating Without Alcohol How was dating going to be without alcohol? I got divorced (or separated, I was never married) in march after an eight-year-long relationship and was a bit apprehensive about quitting alcohol for this reason too.
Ideas I Quit Alcohol By Mistake I quit alcohol by mistake the same year I turned 43. I had just been diagnosed with mixed ADD/ADHD and was told not to combine the medicine I was prescribed with alcohol. I obediently followed the doctor’s orders for two months, and what happened next was unbelievable.