Doing Other Drugs Without Alcohol?
Alcohol, while scoring "only" 4th most harmful to the user, surpassed only by heroin, crack, and meth, is the top offender when harm to society is factored in.
So alcohol sucks. But don't take my word for it. In a meta-study published in The Lancet, the oldest publication of its kind – and one that has been called "the highest impact scientific journal in the world" – most common drugs have been ranked in order of how dangerous they are.
Alcohol, while scoring "only" 4th most harmful to the user, surpassed only by heroin, crack, and meth, it's far and away the top offender when harm to society is factored in. Regardless of how much you care about harm to others, I think it's safe to say that legislation in most parts of the world is out of step with science here.
When you factor in how much of the harm of other drugs is caused by the illegality itself, namely unregulated manufacturing, quality control, fentanyl lacing, and sales, it's hard to argue in favor of the status quo.
Changes are already underway in several countries and will continue as the “Reagan generation” is being replaced by Gen Z leadership. This will also add to the trend of alcohol going out of fashion.
I’m not encouraging anyone to do anything, as all these drugs can be harmful to some degree, and if nothing else, illegal in many parts of the world, but please don’t think for a second that alcohol is any better. According to science, it’s way worse.